12 March 2014

As part of HE Engineer Kamal bin Ahmed Mohammed, Minister of Transportation and Acting Chief Executive of the Bahrain Economic Development Board’s commitment to aviation safety and security and in strengthening the Kingdom of Bahrain’s position both regionally and internationally, the Ministry of Transportation hosted the Thirteenth Meeting of the Middle East Regional Monitoring Agency Board (MIDRMA Board/13) which was held from the 9-12th of March 2014 in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The meeting was officially opened by the Acting Undersecretary for Civil Aviation Affairs Mr Ahmed Al-Nemah and was attended by the Agency’s regional members as well as representatives from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Middle East (MID) Regional Office.

Commenting on the meeting, Mr. Al Nemah stated that various technical, financial, and administrative issues related to the Middle East Regional Monitoring Agency’s operations and those pertaining to air traffic and which aim at ensuring safety within the Middle East region, and which is carried out by collecting and analyzing RADAR and Flight Data including height monitoring to ensure that aircraft’s flying in the region maintain the assigned altitudes and that all aircraft have the required certification to operate in the Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) airspace.

Mr. Al Nemah further noted that the development work on the Middle East Regional Monitoring Agency’s operations center is currently underway and it has been recently equipped with the latest technologies and systems to enable the center - which is operated and managed by highly qualified Bahraini Nationals to perform their duties and responsibilities effectively and at the highest standards.

In turn, the Middle East Regional Monitoring Agency’s Board praised the Kingdom of Bahrain’s role and support which is represented by the Ministry of Transportation’s Civil Aviation Affairs efforts in managing the Agency’s operations center which was established as the regional monitoring center in the Kingdom of Bahrain since 2005.

Last Updated Date: 26-11-2024