24 March 2014

As part of the Ministry of Transportation’s efforts in spearheading the use of information technology in its development plans, a briefing session was held on Smart Cities Governance Models. The session, which was held in cooperation with Gartner Research and Advisory, provided an overview on the concept of Smart Cities and the governance models associated with them and how Ministries and Government entities – specifically those related to transportation, healthcare, utilities, education, and public services and infrastructure verticals - can make use of information and data to improve citizens and residents welfare and quality of life. The role of Government in smart cities, best-in-class smart city examples, and regional issues were presented at the seminar.

A smart city is an urbanized area where multiple public and private sectors cooperate to achieve sustainable outcomes through the analysis of contextual real time information shared among sector-specific information and operational technology systems.

This session, which was led by the Information Technology Directorate at the Ministry of Transportation, featured a presentation by Ms. Bettina Tratz Ryan, Research Vice President at Gartner Research and Advisory which aims to serve as a first step towards a national initiative to integrating ICT systems to develop and deploy innovative solutions that would facilitate the Kingdom’s steps towards a Smart city. By partnering with Gartner - the world’s leading Technology Research firm which provides statistics, benchmarking data and information to Government entities across the world, the Ministry of Transportation aims to identify opportunities that have the potential for increasing efficiency and creating an effective transportation system that provides the public with access to real time data and facilitating the movement of people and goods. This initiative will also serve as a foundation to using technology in new ways to drive economic development, job growth and improve the quality of life for citizens.

The session was attended by senior officials from MoT’s different divisions, ICT Directorate staff members from the eGovernment Authority, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Finance, and the Supreme Council for Environment.

Last Updated Date: 26-11-2024