It is the aim of the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications to provide an effective and efficient public transport in Bahrain that is attractive to all sections of the society, with high quality operating standards and customer service.

The Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications aims to provide effective, efficient and reliable public transport services in the Kingdom of Bahrain.


To achieve this, the Ministry developed a strategic planto enhance public transport services by  expanding the bus network coverage to 77%, upgrading the bus fleet, and by appointing Bahrain Public Transport Company (BPTC) as an operator. , BPTC is a  joint venture between Mobico and Ahmed Mansoor Al A'ali (AMA). The monthly number of trips reaches approximately one million with an average daily ridership of around 30,000 trips.


In cooperation with BPTC, the Ministry conducts comprehensive periodic studies on public transport routes to evaluate the service, as well as reviews user requests received by the municipal councils and assess the potential inclusion of new routes in the network. 

Please visit the below link for the latest bus route updates Bahrain Bus Website 
