القانون | نبذة عن القانون |
قانون الطيران المدني | يحدد القانون رقم 14 لنسة 2013 باصدار قانون الطيران المدني الإطار القانوني الذي يحكم دور شئون الطيران المدني بوصفها السلطة المنظمة المسئولة عن تنظيم الطيران المدني ، وضمان الالتزام بالشروط الدولية، وعمليات شركات الطيران، وسلامة الطيران وحقوق الركاب. [PDF, 5.8MB]. |
اللائحة التنفيذية لقانون تنظيم الطيران المدني | يحتوي على اللوائح التنفيذية المتعلقة بقوانين الطيران المدني [PDF, 405 KB] . |
القرار الوزاري رقم 25 لسنة 2016 | القرار الوزاري رقم 25 لسنة 2016 بشأن تحديد وتنظيم رسوم الطيران المدني ورسوم خدمات المغادرين عن طريق الجو [PDF, 321 KB]. |
قرار رقم 24 لسنة 2023 | تعديل بعض أحكام القرار رقم 25 لسنة 2016 بشأن تحديد وتنظيم رسوم الطيران المدني ورسم خدمات المغادرين عن طريق الجو [PDF, 69 KB. |
حقوق المسافر | حقوق المسافر في حالة إلغاء أو تأخير أو تغيير أوقات الرحلات [PDF, 207 KB]. |
اللوائح الفنية للملاحة الجوية الجزء الأول سلامة الطيران
Part 1 | Definitions and abbreviations [PDF, 1.6 MB]. |
Part 2 | General Regulations - ANTR Part II [PDF, 575 KB] Flight Crew - Aeroplane (ANTR-FCL1) [PDF, 5. 9 MB] Flight Crew - Helicopter (ANTR-FCL2) [PDF, 5. 2 MB] Medical - Flight Crew (ANTR-FCL3) [PDF, 1.6 MB] Flight Crew - Flight Engineer (ANTR-FLC4) - Reserved Aircraft Maintenance Licence Aeroplanes and Helicopters (ANTR 66) [PDF, 2.6 MB] |
Part 3 | General Regulation [PDF, 714 KB] |
Part 4 | Operations - Aeroplane (ANTR-OPS1) [PDF, 6.5 MB] Operations - Helicopter (ANTR-OPS3) [PDF, 4.2 MB] Flight Synthetic Training Devices - ANTR FSTD A (Aeroplane) [PDF, 6.9 MB] Flight Synthetic Training Devices - ANTR FSTD H (Helicopter) [PDF, 8.2 MB] |
Part 5 | Airworthiness Regulations - General Regulations [PDF, 693 KB] ANTR 145 - Approved Maintenance Organisations [PDF, 2.8 MB] ANTR 147 - Approved Maintenance Training Organisations [PDF, 711 KB] ANTR M - Continuing Airworthiness [PDF, 2.5 MB] ANTR 21 – BCAA Acceptance Procedures for Certification of Aircraft and Related Products, Parts and Appliances [PDF, 779 KB] |
Part 6 | Aircraft accident and incident investigation [PDF, 751 KB]. |
Revision status [PDF, 195 KB]. |
اللوائح الفنية للملاحة الجوية الجزء الثاني
ANTR/VOL II-PART 17 | Security [PDF, 578 KB] |
ANTR/VOL II-PART 18 | Dangerous Goods [PDF, 651 KB] |
ANTR.VOL II-PART 9 | Facilitation [PDF, 3.5 MB] |
اللوائح الفنية للملاحة الجوية الجزء الثالث
ANTR Vol III Part 3 | Meteorological Services for Air Navigation [PDF, 5.2 MB] |
ANTR Vol III Part 4 | Aeronautical Charts [PDF, 4.6 MB] |
ANTR Vol III Part 5 | Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations [PDF, 681 KB] |
ANTR Vol III Part 10 | Aeronautical Telecommunications - Communication Procedures [PDF, 1.5 MB] |
ANTR Vol III Part 11 | Air Traffic Services [PDF, 960 KB] |
ANTR Vol III Part 12 | Search and Rescue [PDF, 404 MB] |
ANTR Vol III Part 14-2 | Heliports [PDF, 1.7 MB] Application for the grant of a Helicopter Landing Area Certificate [PDF, 111 KB] |
ANTR Vol III Part 15 | Aeronautical Information Services [PDF, 796 KB] |
ANTR Vol III Part 16 | Environmental Protection [PDF, 354 KB] |
ANTR Vol III Part 19 | Safety Management [PDF, 994 KB] |
اللوائح الفنية للملاحة الجوية الجزء الرابع
ANTR IV Part 14 | Aerodromes [PDF, 1.8 MB] |
أنظمة اخرى
Civil Aviation Regulations/Orders | These Regulations/Orders underpin the requirements for certification of various aviation-related activities within the Kingdom: - CAR001 Aerodrome Standard & Certification Regulations [PDF, 1.3 MB] - CAR002 Aviation Security Service Provider Regulations [PDF, 1.1 MB] - CAR003 Air Navigation Service Provider Certification and Standards Regulations [PDF, 1.3 MB] - CAR004 Helicopter Landing Area Stands and Certification Regulations [PDF, 487 KB] - CAR005 Meteorological Service Provider Certification Regulations [PDF, 342 KB] - CAR006 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle [PDF, 482 KB] - CAR007 Communication, Navigation & Surveillance Service Provider Certification Regulations [PDF, 659 KB] - CAR008 Air Traffic Control Approved Training Organization Certification [PDF, 464 KB] |
State Safety Program (SSP) | The SSP is a nation-wide program that underpins the management of aviation safety and continues to seek improvements in safety performance. [PDF, 823 KB] |
Aerodrome Standards and Certification Regulations | Specifies the criteria applied by the Certification Authority on any organisation desiring to operate an aerodrome in the Kingdom of Bahrain serving international civil aviation and for which an aerodrome certificate is required. [PDF, 1.9 MB] |
Aerodrome Certification Manual | Provides guidance to CAA staff engaged in Certification of Aerodromes and the enforcement of the Aerodrome Standards and Certification Regulations. [PDF, 849 KB] |
General Regulations and Requirements | Provides a list of pre-requisites and information required from aircraft operators landing or flying over/into Bahrain's air space territory. [PDF, 115 KB] |
Visual Aids for Denoting Obstacles | A guideline with recommendations on how to mark/light objects and structures. [PDF, 902 KB] |
Prohibited Items | List of Prohibited Articles for Passengers [PDF, 146 KB] |
الطائرات بدون طيار (الدرونز)
في حال الرغبة في تشغيل أو استخدام الطائرات بدون طيار، يجب تقديم الطلب إلى شئون الطيران المدني خلال فترة لا تقل عن سبعة (7) أيام عمل قبل تاريخ التشغيل، مع مراعاة توفير البيانات التالية:
- نطاق عملية التشغيل
- اسم وبيانات الشخص (أو الأشخاص) المعنيين بتشغيل الطائرة بدون طيار
- تفاصيل التأمين الذي يغطي نطاق عملية تشغيل الطائرات
يمكن تقديم الطلبات من خلال البريد الإلكتروني: drone.team@mtt.gov.bh أو إرسال المسندات المطلوبة إلى:
وكيل شؤون الطيران المدني
وزارة المواصلات والاتصالات
صندوق بريد 10325
مبنى 148 طريق 2403 المحرق 224
لمزيد من المعلومات أو للمساعدة، يرجى التواصل مع:drone.team@mtt.gov.bh
نشرات الطيران المدني
Foreword [PDF, 260 KB] | |
Revision Status [PDF, 109 KB] | |
CAP 01 | شهادة مشغل جوي [PDF, 599 KB] |
CAP 02 | بضائع خطرة [PDF, 1.4 MB] |
CAP 03 | Reserved |
CAP 04 | Extended Diversion Time Operations (EDTO) [PDF, 788 KB] |
CAP 05 | تقرير الحادث [PDF, 512 KB] |
CAP 06 | تأجير الطائرات [PDF, 401 KB] |
CAP 07 | حقيبة الطيران الالكترونية [PDF, 1.1 MB] |
CAP 08 | Reserved |
CAP 09 | تراخيص العاملين [PDF, 858 KB] |
CAP 10 | المفتش [PDF, 1.4 MB] |
CAP 11 | PBN [PDF, 1.0 MB] VOL. 1: PBN Technology [PDF, 1.0 MB] VOL. 2: PBN Operational Approval [PDF, 2.4 MB] VOL. 3: PBN Specification Job Aids [PDF, 652 KB] |
CAP 12 | الإعفاءات [PDF, 730 KB] |
CAP 13 | تصريح مؤسسة إدارة استمرار صلاحية الطيران [PDF, 1.3 MB] |
CAP 14 | تصريح مؤسسة صيانة الطائرات [PDF, 1.2 MB] |
CAP 15 | تصريح مؤسسة تدريب صيانة الطائرات [PDF, 2.1 MB] |
CAP 16 | تسجيل الطائرات [PDF, 878 KB] |
CAP 17 | برنامج الإبلاغ الطوعي [PDF, 266 KB] |
CAP 18 | جدول الرسوم و ترخيص الطيران [PDF, 409 KB] |
CAP 19 | منع إساءة استخدام المواد [PDF, 406 KB] |
CAP 20 | برنامج التأهيل المتقدم [PDF, 5.6 MB] |
CAP 21 | الفحوصات [PDF, 205 KB] |
CAP 22 | الفحص الطبي المعتمد [PDF, 709 KB] |
CAP 23 | اجهزة التدريب الاصطناعية [PDF, 188 KB] |
CAP 24 | الطاقم [PDF, 1.9 MB] |
CAP 25 | برامج الصيانة [PDF, 796 KB] |
CAP 26 | مجهز السفريات t [PDF, 511 KB] |
CAP 27 | ﺍﻟﺤﺩ ﺍﻷﺩﻨﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﺨﻔﺽ ﻟﻠﻔﺼل ﺍﻟﺭﺃﺴﻲ RVSM [PDF, 418 KB] |
CAP 28 | الحد اﻷدﻧﻰ ﻣن ﻣواﺻﻔﺎت أداء اﻟﻣﻼﺣﺔ [PDF, 273 KB] |
CAP 29 | تصريح للطيران [PDF, 445 KB] |
CAP 30 | التعديلات والإصلاحات [PDF, 443 KB] |
CAP 31 | قطع غيار الطائرات [PDF, 267 KB] |
CAP 32 | MEL Policy and Procedures Manual [PDF, 1.0 MB] |
CAP 33 | الطائرات المجهزة بنظم الهبوط الآلي وشاشات العرض المرئية برفع الرأ س أو ما يعادلها من شاشات العرض ونظم تحسين الرؤية (EVS) ونظم الرؤية الاصطناعية (SVS) و/أو نظم الرؤية المركبة [PDF, 675 KB] |
CAP 34 | - Fatigue Management for Flight Crew [PDF, 1.3 MB] - Fatigue Risk Management System Process Guide [PDF, 1.6 MB] - Handbook - Fatigue Risk Management System [PDF, 1.2 MB] |
CAP 35 | Aircraft Technical Log System [PDF, 379 KB] |
CAP 36 | Aircraft Maintenance Log System [PDF, 248 KB] |
CAP 37 | Aircraft Weight (MASS) & Balance (Centre of Gravity) [PDF, 613 KB] |
CAP 38 | Surveillance Procedures Manual [PDF, 445 KB] |
CAP 100 | Guidance for Instrument Flight Procedure Designer Approval [PDF, 307 KB] |
CAP 101 | Criteria and Associated Guidelines Regulating Use of Pavements by Aircraft With An ACN Higher than the Reported PCN. [PDF, 237 KB] |
CAP 102 | Calculation of Declared Distances [PDF, 317 KB] |
CAP 103 | Friction Testing and Maintenance of Paved Runway Surfaces [PDF, 446 KB] |
CAP 104 | Aeronautical Studies & Safety Risk Assessment [PDF, 549 KB] |
CAP 105 | Guidance Material for Ensuring Aerodrome Operators take corrective action with any internal or external agency to shield non-aeronautical ground lights or a Laser emitter near the aerodrome which may endanger the safety of aircraft [PDF, 416 KB] |
CAP 106 | Guidance on Frangibility Requirements on Installations in Aerodrome Operational Areas [PDF, 226 KB] |
CAP 107 | Aerodrome Inspection Programme and Condition Reporting [PDF, 656 KB] |
CAP 108 | Human factors Principle for Aerodrome Emergency Plan [PDF, 281 KB] |
CAP 109 | Guidance for Air Traffic Control Approved Training Organization Approval [PDF, 441 KB] |
CAP 110 | Standards for Marking and Lighting of Obstacles Outside Aerodrome / Heliport [PDF, 815 KB] |
CAP 111 | Guidance Material on GRF for Aerodrome Operators [PDF, 1.3 MB] |
CAP 112 | Submission of Aircraft Operator Security Programme - Foreign Airlines [PDF, 371 KB] |
Operation Instructions and Directives
Operation Instruction 01/15 | Notification of Accident and Incident Procedure [PDF, 1.8 MB] Dispensation Directive to Deviate from Regulations [PDF, 1.8 MB] |
Operation Instruction 03/16 | Prohibition on use/carriage of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 mobile phone on Gulf Air aircraft [PDF, 268 KB] |
Operation Instruction 04/16 | Prohibition on use/carriage of Samsung Galaxy Not [PDF, 314 KB] |
Operational Instruction 01/17 | Carriage and Use of Transponders by Vehicles at BIA [PDF, 107 KB] |
Aviation Security Directive 02- July 2017 | Access Control of Airside vehicles [PDF, 183 KB] |
Aviation Security Directive 03-7/2017 | CCTV Feeds [PDF, 56 KB] |
Aviation Security Directive (05) | Information Control [PDF, 63 KB] |
Aviation Safety & Security Directive 1/17 | Operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) [PDF, 47 KB] |
Aviation Safety & Security Directive 2/17 | Oversight of Service Provider [PDF, 202 KB] |
Operation Instruction 03/17 | Stakeholder Review of Information Published Via MTT Website [PDF, 215 KB] |
Safety Directive 6/2020 | New Radio Communication System at Bahrain International Airport [PDF, 401 KB] |
ASSD/SEC/AC/01/2022 | AVSEC Directive No. 1 [PDF, 58 KB] |
ASSD/SEC/AC/02/2022 | Security Programme Submission as per BCAA CAP112: Foreign Aircraft Operator [PDF, 548 KB] |
Aeronautical Circulars
Circulars Archive (2015-2023) | 2015 Circulars [PDF, 253 KB] 2016 Circulars [PDF, 169 KB] 2017 Circulars [PDF, 300 KB] 2018 Circulars [PDF, 268 KB] 2019 Circulars [PDF, 354 KB] 2020 Circulars [PDF, 138 KB] 2021 Circulars [PDF, 141 KB] 2022 Circulars [PDF, 229 KB] 2023 Circulars [PDF, 170 KB] |
AC/ALD·GEN/01/2024 | Air Navigation Technical Regulations Amendment – ANTR PART V [PDF, 394 KB] |
AC/ALD·GEN/02/2024 | Air Navigation Technical Regulations Amendments (ANTR OPS 3 - Operational Regulations - Helicopter) [PDF, 381 KB] Notice of Proposed Amendment – NPA 01/24 [PDF, 213 KB] ANTR OPS 3 – NPA [PDF, 7.0MB] |
AC/ALD·GEN/03/2024 | Air Navigation Technical Regulations Amendment [PDF, 420 KB] - ANTR PART I [PDF, 1.6 MB] - ANTR PART II [PDF, 575 KB] - ANTR PART III [PDF, 714 KB] |
AC/ALD·GEN/04/2024 | Air Navigation Technical Regulations Amendment – ANTR M [PDF, 385 KB] |
AC/ALD·GEN/05/2024 | Air Navigation Technical Regulations Amendment – ANTR OPS 1 [PDF, 399 KB] |
AC/ALD·GEN/06/2024 | Air Navigation Technical Regulations Amendment – ANTR OPS 3 [PDF, 397 KB] |
AC/ALD·GEN/07/2024 | Approval or Acceptance Actions for Air Carrier Certifications [PDF, 3.9 MB] |
AC/GEN/01/2024 | Air Navigation Technical Regulation Amendment Notice : ANTR VOL II Part 9 [PDF, 698 KB] ANTR VOL II Part 18 [PDF, 573 KB] ANTR VOL III Part 3 [PDF, 5.0 MB] ANTR VOL III Part 4 [PDF, 4.1 MB] ANTR VOL III Part 5 [PDF, 678 KB] ANTR VOL III Part 10 [PDF, 1.5 MB] ANTR VOL III Part 11 [PDF, 1.0 MB] ANTR VOL III Part 16 [PDF, 1.0 MB] ANTR VOL III Part 19 [PDF, 421 KB] |
AC/ALD·OPS/01/2024 | Carriage of Persons (Supernumeraries) without Compliance with the Passenger-Carrying Requirements [PDF, 1.0 MB] (cancelled – incorporated into ANTR OPS 1) |
AC/ALD·GEN/08/2024 | Air Navigation Technical Regulations Amendments (ANTR OPS 1 - Operations Aeroplane) [PDF, 354 KB] Notice of Proposed Amendment – NPA 02/24 [PDF, 211 KB] ANTR OPS 1 – NPA [PDF, 6.9 MB] |
AC/ALD·GEN/10/2024 | Air Navigation Technical Regulations Amendment (ANTR PART V – General Airworthiness Regulations) [PDF, 279 KB] Notice of Proposed Amendment – NPA 03/24 [PDF, 168 KB] ANTR Part V – NPA [PDF, 629 KB] |
AC/ALD·GEN/09/2024 | Air Navigation Technical Regulations Amendment – ANTR OPS 1 [PDF, 382 KB] |
AC/ALD·GEN/11/2024 | Air Navigation Technical Regulations Amendment – ANTR PART V [PDF, 377 KB] |
Dispensation Application | Applications for Dispensation to deviate from Regulations shall only be received via submission of the form available from the link in this section. - 19 ASSD-OF-19-AANR Dispensation Request [PDF, 230 KB] - OI 03-16 dispensation [PDF, 89 KB] |
Reporting | Submission of Mandatory Reports is possible via the following Submission of Voluntary Reports on any aviation related safety or security matter is possible via the following links (anonymously if required) - Q-Pulse Web (With Login): https://mttqp01.mtt.gov.bh/QPulse - Q-Pulse Reporting (No Login): https://mttqp01.mtt.gov.bh/QPulseWebReporting |
Aeronautical Charge and Exemptions | Includes charging fees and exemptions for landing, parking, en-route, and freight operations. [PDF, 330 KB] |
Enforcement Manual | Policy and procedure in regards to enforcement measures [PDF, 1.3 MB] |
Last Updated Date: 27-01-2025